(来源于:大家网 转引自:普特听力网)
【双语参考文本】The forests that lie south of the Black Dragon River are bound up in snow formore than half the year. It's deathly silent.Most of the animals here are either hibernating or havemigrated south for the winter.But there is an exception.Wild boars roam the forests of thenortheast.Like the Hezhe people, the boars find it difficult to gather food in winter.To survive, theyfollow their noses, among the keenest in the animal kingdom.(GRUNTING)They will eat almostanything they unearth.But one energy-rich food source is particularly valued. Walnuts.When alucky boar finds a walnut, there's bound to be trouble.(SQUEALING)But despite the squabbles, wildboars are social animalsand gather together in groups.Staying close together may help them tokeep warm in the extreme cold.But there is another reason for group living.More ears to listen outfor danger.